+1 (585) 924-4450 NSRsales@newscalerobotics.com

New Scale Robotics CEO David Henderson was featured in the Association for Advancing Automation (A3) “Thought Leaders in Automation” series.

David explores a range of topics including why he believes that quality has come of age and needs to be automated, why New Scale is a big believer in the Universal Robots platform, and what led him to create New Scale Robotics as a division of New Scale Technologies, a company he founded in 2002.

On innovation in the robotics industry, he writes:

“Cobots enable incremental agile automation that balances the best work of humans and automation. Balance means finding the “Goldilocks” zone where robots elevate human work. This is the point of maximum productivity and innovation. Over time technology advancements will shift the balance point towards more automation.

“NSR’s Q-Span Workstations use robots to complete dull, repetitive error-prone tasks including individual part handling and measurement. Quality Technicians teach, configure, and manage the robotic workstation, organize trays of parts for presentation and removal, and deal with the unexpected. Q-Span measurements achieve superior Gage R&R. The technician’s job is elevated with greater skills engagement and retention.”

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