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Updates and commentary on robotics for quality assurance (QA) and quality control (QC). Subscribe now for a monthly summary of new posts.

Video: Q-Span Workstation with Air Gage

Air gauges are a century-old technology that remains the standard for making fast part measurements with micro-inch precision. Air gauge measurements require part insertion and removal on tool with about 0.001 inch clearance. Today nearly all air gauge measurements...

Plug-and-Play Robot Ecosystems on the Rise

We created our Q-Span Workstation Kits as part of the UR+ ecosystem. A recent article from the Association for Advancing Automation explains the incredible value of that plug-and-produce ecosystem for our users.  Simply put, UR+ Application Kits make it easy to get...

Measuring Ball Bearing Assemblies

Roller bearings and ball bearings are everywhere in manufacturing and automation. In our machines, actuators, motors and drives. And so, in almost every mechanical product - everything that moves has some kind of bearing. The typical steel ball located inside a...

Monthly Summaries